The Dutch Clinical NLP Workshop

The 3rd Dutch Clinical NLP (DCNLP) workshop will take place in Utrecht on June 24, 2024.
The DCNLP Workshop is a collaborative effort between Utrecht University’s NLTP group and VeiligheidNL. This collaboration, organized by NLTP group members including Daniel Anadria, Ayoub Bagheri, Anastasia Giachanou, and Pablo Mosteiro Romero, along with VeiligheidNL, aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and future collaborations among stakeholders from hospitals, academia, and the private sector.
VeiligheidNL is the centre of expertise for injury prevention and has been working for 40 years to make the lives of millions of people safer by promoting safe behavior in a safe environment. The centre aims to achieve this through monitoring, expertise promotion, educating, and advising partners and professionals.
The venue is Victor J. Koningsbergergebouw (room Atlas), Budapestlaan 4a-b, 3584 CD Utrecht.
For more information, please click here